My Pay-To-Clicks Sites
HITS4PAY is offering a $10 signup bonus just for joining. Earn 2 cents for each email you read. This site accepts International members! If you are looking to only join one PTC site, then this is definitely the cream of the crop. I have yet to find a PTC that pays at the rate of 2 cents per ad and 1 cent per ad on two referral levels! The Best PTC Period!
* $10 signup bonus just for joining.
* Earn 2 cents for each email you read.
* Earn 1 cents for each email your referrals read - for TWO levels!
* 30 second timer.
* Read emails from your Hits4Pay account for added convenience.
* Affiliate resources, newsletters, ad copy, banners, etc.
* International welcome.
DealsNCash, owned by the same company as Hits4pay. Just as good as Hits4Pay is their sister site DealsNCash!
* $5 signup bonus just for joining.
* Earn 2 to 5 cents for each email you read
* Earn 2 cents for each email your direct referrals read
* 30 second timer.
* Read emails from your DealsNCash account for added convenience.
* Affiliate resources, newsletters, ad copy, banners, etc.
* Open to US, Canada and UK.
ClixSense is easy to use and the earnings can be converted into credits and used for advertising.Open to international members!

Site Name:ClixSense
Type:Paid-to-Click (PTC)
Cost:$10.00 USD to upgrade, basic membership is free.
Difficulty:Very Easy
Pay You To:View ads for 30 second each.
Pays Via:Check
Payout Minimum:$10.00
Accepts Members From:All Over
About the Site: ClixSense is a PTC site which pays $0.01 USD and up per ad that is viewed for 30 seconds. Premium membership is available on this site for a yearly fee of $10.00 USD however premium members have a higher number of ads to view as well as more higher paying ads such as $0.05 USD and up then basic members get. ClixSense is easy to use and the earnings can be converted into credits and used for advertising. There is a $3.00 USD check processing fee however members can select to have their earnings held for a higher payout so as to offset the impact of the fee on their earnings.